Oh Internet (or Tow Truck Recursion) 

On my drive into work lately, I saw a giant tow truck towing another giant tree trimming truck, which lead to the obvious thought of "it'd be funny to see a tow truck towing a tow truck", and then to the obvious next thought of "but it'd be wayyyy funnier to see a tow truck towing a tow truck towing a tow truck."

So, of course, off to the internet I went.

Not surprisingly, I'm not the first person to ever throw that query into google:

Google search

This is picture sort of sated my need for tow truck recursion, but kind of fails because the last truck isn't a tow truck.

But, I think this is what finally ended my search for tow truck recursion and let me get on with my day:

It only could have been better if somehow the last tow truck was also towing the first tow truck. Anyway, it's Friday and it's 95 degrees out and the Heat are NBA Champs. I needed a distraction.