Kay Hanley at TT the Bears - Jan 3, 2007 

So, I've decided I'm going to try to capture every show I get to this year. On Wednesday, Kay Hanley and The Antisocialites played a fun earlyish show. I always try to catch Kay Hanley when she comes around since her shows just tend to be fun (since she's been pretty much playing here for like 15 years now or something).

I met my friend Liz at TTs and we headed in and hung out by the bar while The Antisocialites played. They sounded pretty good, though I'll admit, I didn't pay as much attention as I usually do. It was a surprisingly large crowd for 9pm, so there wasn't a whole lot of room to sneak over towards the stage. So we chatted while The Antisocialites played their rock. It was your typical local, indie rock band, but with the twist of having a female lead (and bassist, I think). I tend to like female-fronted rock bands (hence being at a Kay Hanley show) more than I should, so the sound definitely caught my ear. I'd probably check them out again.

Next up, of course, was Kay Hanley. Her shows are always fun. She knows half the crowd, and basically plays like she's at a small party and you're hanging out in the living room. The setlist had a bunch of older Letters to Cleo stuff, and a handful of unreleased songs. Surprisingly, there wasn't a ton off of her two solo albums, which was a little disappointing, but easily compensated for when Kay had to get instructions on how to play one of her new songs. Completely ridiculous (but quite funny). We also got a good view of some new tats on her arms, which were both scary and impressive. It was a pretty subdued night, but decent all-around.

Yes, this may be the least interesting thing I've ever written, but it's like 3 days later and I've forgotten some of the nuances. You smell like fish.

Kay at TTs (from Flickr, via Teddy K)

Next up, if all goes well, Bleu at TTs towards the end of the month.